Saturday, November 27, 2021

Time - to live your life

A blank page, an empty canvas, a fresh start, a new dawn, a renewed hope, a novel chapter, a surge of energy, a destiny, a new life! 7.3 billion entities are fortunate to bear the binomial name - Homo sapiens. What sets the human race apart from other species is intelligence, enabling the creation of communication mediums, modes of transportation, top-tier cuisine, and remarkable structures.

Wow, so many intricate aspects to human existence, right? Life is not simple, just like the universe. One cannot find a user manual for it. The fact that humans are a part of God and his creation is something we might not be aware of, but these things are an integral part of our existence.

How we shape our future is in our hands in the present. Life is like the wheel of a cycle, where birth is its fixed point, and the only variable is its lifespan. Time is the essence that defines the span of our existence.

It's a matter of great fortune if, before taking our last breath, we experience death, as in those few moments, we might glimpse the joy of heaven even before leaving this world. Death, when anticipated, brings a sense of peace, while a sudden departure leaves us wondering what just happened!

In short, life doesn't offer multiple chances like a game of Mario. However, each moment that we have is a unique opportunity to live life to the fullest. Live every moment as if it's your last, for we never know when a moment might be our last.

So, how can we make the best out of the moments we currently have? Often, we delay doing things, thinking we'll do them later, but the truth is, we never know when that perfect moment will arrive.

Sometimes, our heart desires to learn swimming, and we keep delaying it for years. Your spouse might wish for something, and even if it's hard to express, it's better to communicate. Satisfaction lies in the ability to make someone laugh during their departure.

Life is meant to be lived, understood, and shared. Be kind to yourself before helping others. Learning the essence of life should begin before the wrinkles set in. Improve your own life and inspire others along the way. Birth is an opportunity to learn, and by teaching others, we make life meaningful. Illuminate others' lives after lighting your own. Craft your life in a way that not only improves yours but brightens the lives of others, making your existence purposeful, and death won't come as an end but a continuation of the positive energy you've created. Think positive, be positive, and act positively.

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