Saturday, November 27, 2021

She - The Shakti


She is known by the name Shakti.

But why is feminine energy referred to as an energy? Because energy is the driving force behind creation.

Mothers, responsible for giving birth, can be taken for granted by their children worldwide, yet their love remains unconditional.

She embodies the essence of sacrifice and possesses the strength to confront Yamraja, the Lord of Death.

Without Shakti, the divine cosmic dynamic energy, nothing in the universe would have come into existence.

Interestingly, approximately 68% of the universe is composed of dark energy, with dark matter accounting for about 27%. In contrast, everything on Earth and all observable matter make up less than 5% of the universe.

Shakti stimulates Siva, a passive energy manifesting as consciousness.

Ardhanarishvara, a Hindu deity representing a perfect blend of male and female halves, serves as an iconic symbol of this concept. The deity's equal representation of both genders emphasises that the creation, maintenance, and destruction of the universe rely on the harmonious interplay of both forces.

Purush represents the masculine aspect known as matter, while Prakriti embodies the feminine aspect, symbolising Shakti or Energy. Both are essential for creation, giving rise to a false self called ego over time. This intricate process involves the differentiation and combination of five Mahabhutas, Panchendiryas, Karmendriyas, Tanmantras, manas, ahamkara, and buddhi.

Individual beings emerge through this process, progressing towards liberation. On a macro level, the same principles apply, leading to the creation of the world and higher divinities.

The ego, a crucial tool in this process, is shaped by the three Gunas: Sattva, rajas, and tamas, nourished by sensory activity and driven by desires. These aspects create a false sense of identity through the development of the mind's awareness of the body.

Purush is further divided into the Creator, the Preserver, and the Destroyer aspects, while Prakriti manifests as Devi Saraswati, Devi Lakshmi, and Devi Durga.

The act of creation requires profound knowledge, sagacity, and wisdom, with the God of Creation, Brahma, accompanied by the Goddess of Knowledge, Devi Saraswati.

Preservation of life demands nourishment, beauty, and abundance, leading to Lord Vishnu, the Preserver, having Devi Lakshmi as His Consort.

The destruction of evil requires both physical and mental power, resulting in Devi Durga or Devi Shakti being the Wife of Lord Shiva, the Lord of Destruction.

The concept of the Holy Trinity emphasizes the oneness of all, with God as an undivided consciousness.

Regarding the creation of Shakti, Shiva Purana explains that Adi Parashakti incarnated as Parama Prakriti from the left half of Lord Shiva during the beginning of the Universe. Skanda Purana and Markandeya Purana describe Parvati as the divine mother of all creation and the truest material form of Adi Shakti. Adi Shakti is considered the zero energy that persists even after the destruction of the universe and before its recreation.

As for Shakti's gender, it's crucial to understand that Shakti is pure energy, devoid of gender. The notion of Shakti being female is a human interpretation, figurative and relative, and should not be taken literally. Both Purusha and Prakriti exist in males and females, representing two sides of the same truth. It's challenging to determine superiority, as without energy, the Self is practically immovable, and without the Self, energy lacks a field for its movements. Ultimately, at the highest level, pure energy (Prakriti) is undivided consciousness (Purusha).

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