Saturday, November 27, 2021

She - The Shakti


She is known by the name Shakti.

But why is feminine energy referred to as an energy? Because energy is the driving force behind creation.

Mothers, responsible for giving birth, can be taken for granted by their children worldwide, yet their love remains unconditional.

She embodies the essence of sacrifice and possesses the strength to confront Yamraja, the Lord of Death.

Without Shakti, the divine cosmic dynamic energy, nothing in the universe would have come into existence.

Interestingly, approximately 68% of the universe is composed of dark energy, with dark matter accounting for about 27%. In contrast, everything on Earth and all observable matter make up less than 5% of the universe.

Shakti stimulates Siva, a passive energy manifesting as consciousness.

Ardhanarishvara, a Hindu deity representing a perfect blend of male and female halves, serves as an iconic symbol of this concept. The deity's equal representation of both genders emphasises that the creation, maintenance, and destruction of the universe rely on the harmonious interplay of both forces.

Purush represents the masculine aspect known as matter, while Prakriti embodies the feminine aspect, symbolising Shakti or Energy. Both are essential for creation, giving rise to a false self called ego over time. This intricate process involves the differentiation and combination of five Mahabhutas, Panchendiryas, Karmendriyas, Tanmantras, manas, ahamkara, and buddhi.

Individual beings emerge through this process, progressing towards liberation. On a macro level, the same principles apply, leading to the creation of the world and higher divinities.

The ego, a crucial tool in this process, is shaped by the three Gunas: Sattva, rajas, and tamas, nourished by sensory activity and driven by desires. These aspects create a false sense of identity through the development of the mind's awareness of the body.

Purush is further divided into the Creator, the Preserver, and the Destroyer aspects, while Prakriti manifests as Devi Saraswati, Devi Lakshmi, and Devi Durga.

The act of creation requires profound knowledge, sagacity, and wisdom, with the God of Creation, Brahma, accompanied by the Goddess of Knowledge, Devi Saraswati.

Preservation of life demands nourishment, beauty, and abundance, leading to Lord Vishnu, the Preserver, having Devi Lakshmi as His Consort.

The destruction of evil requires both physical and mental power, resulting in Devi Durga or Devi Shakti being the Wife of Lord Shiva, the Lord of Destruction.

The concept of the Holy Trinity emphasizes the oneness of all, with God as an undivided consciousness.

Regarding the creation of Shakti, Shiva Purana explains that Adi Parashakti incarnated as Parama Prakriti from the left half of Lord Shiva during the beginning of the Universe. Skanda Purana and Markandeya Purana describe Parvati as the divine mother of all creation and the truest material form of Adi Shakti. Adi Shakti is considered the zero energy that persists even after the destruction of the universe and before its recreation.

As for Shakti's gender, it's crucial to understand that Shakti is pure energy, devoid of gender. The notion of Shakti being female is a human interpretation, figurative and relative, and should not be taken literally. Both Purusha and Prakriti exist in males and females, representing two sides of the same truth. It's challenging to determine superiority, as without energy, the Self is practically immovable, and without the Self, energy lacks a field for its movements. Ultimately, at the highest level, pure energy (Prakriti) is undivided consciousness (Purusha).

Time - to live your life

A blank page, an empty canvas, a fresh start, a new dawn, a renewed hope, a novel chapter, a surge of energy, a destiny, a new life! 7.3 billion entities are fortunate to bear the binomial name - Homo sapiens. What sets the human race apart from other species is intelligence, enabling the creation of communication mediums, modes of transportation, top-tier cuisine, and remarkable structures.

Wow, so many intricate aspects to human existence, right? Life is not simple, just like the universe. One cannot find a user manual for it. The fact that humans are a part of God and his creation is something we might not be aware of, but these things are an integral part of our existence.

How we shape our future is in our hands in the present. Life is like the wheel of a cycle, where birth is its fixed point, and the only variable is its lifespan. Time is the essence that defines the span of our existence.

It's a matter of great fortune if, before taking our last breath, we experience death, as in those few moments, we might glimpse the joy of heaven even before leaving this world. Death, when anticipated, brings a sense of peace, while a sudden departure leaves us wondering what just happened!

In short, life doesn't offer multiple chances like a game of Mario. However, each moment that we have is a unique opportunity to live life to the fullest. Live every moment as if it's your last, for we never know when a moment might be our last.

So, how can we make the best out of the moments we currently have? Often, we delay doing things, thinking we'll do them later, but the truth is, we never know when that perfect moment will arrive.

Sometimes, our heart desires to learn swimming, and we keep delaying it for years. Your spouse might wish for something, and even if it's hard to express, it's better to communicate. Satisfaction lies in the ability to make someone laugh during their departure.

Life is meant to be lived, understood, and shared. Be kind to yourself before helping others. Learning the essence of life should begin before the wrinkles set in. Improve your own life and inspire others along the way. Birth is an opportunity to learn, and by teaching others, we make life meaningful. Illuminate others' lives after lighting your own. Craft your life in a way that not only improves yours but brightens the lives of others, making your existence purposeful, and death won't come as an end but a continuation of the positive energy you've created. Think positive, be positive, and act positively.


Seizing Opportunities and Cultivating a Positive Attitude

Opportunities are like guests, and they rarely knock twice. The next opportunity might be an improvement or a setback, but it is never the same. Understanding the factors that shape our attitude - environment, experience, and education - is crucial, and these are often referred to as the triple Es of attitude.

Rather than focusing on what's wrong, let's make a habit of seeking what's right in people and situations. Optimism is about being strong, spreading positivity, and maintaining peace of mind. It involves embracing the sunny side of things, thinking and working for the best, and being genuinely enthusiastic about the success of others.

Proactive Living and the Impact of Attitude

Procrastination is a gateway to a negative attitude. Completing tasks brings fulfillment and energy, while incomplete tasks drain energy like a leak from a tank. The habit of doing it now is instrumental in cultivating a positive attitude.

Intelligence, ability, and competence are interlinked, and desire plays a pivotal role in shaping one's attitude. Failure is a result of repeated mistakes, but self-esteem, fueled by doing selfless deeds, can elevate our performance.

Feeding our minds with positive thoughts is akin to sharpening our axes. A healthy kind of selfishness involves making the world a better place. Winners and losers are distinguished by their attitudes, actions, and approaches to problem-solving.

Keys to Being a Winner: Action Steps

  1. Be a good finder.
  2. Make a habit of doing it now.
  3. Develop an attitude of gratitude.
  4. Engage in continuous education.
  5. Build positive self-esteem.
  6. Steer clear of negative influences.
  7. Cultivate a liking for necessary tasks.
  8. Start your day with a positive mindset.

Living with Awareness and Purpose

Life is more than mere existence. It involves feeling, observing, absorbing, listening, and understanding. Triumphs require effort, and nothing worthwhile comes without a struggle. Overcoming difficulties is a part of growth, much like a caterpillar emerging from a cocoon to become a butterfly.

Our thoughts shape our reality, and cultivating a burning desire is the starting point for accomplishment. Learning and developing new skills require dedication and consistency. Implementing good ideas, applying knowledge for personal growth, and understanding and loving oneself contribute to a purposeful life.

Solving problems involves embracing change, acquiring knowledge, summoning courage, and surrendering when necessary. Blaming others or oneself is counterproductive. Clarity about what one wants is crucial for success.

In essence, living with awareness, love, and purpose, while approaching challenges with a positive attitude, paves the way for a fulfilling and meaningful life.

Unlocking Success Through Positive Thinking

In the journey of life, our thoughts hold immense power. The way we perceive ourselves and our capabilities directly influences our success. As the saying goes, "If you think you can, you can. If you think you can't, you're right."

The Power of Positive Thinking

Life's battles are not always won by the stronger or faster; victory often belongs to those who believe they can overcome. The power of thought extends to our desires. Napoleon Hill emphasized that success begins with a burning desire, a deep-rooted motivation to achieve a purpose.

Much like a small fire providing limited heat, a weak desire cannot yield significant results. Albert Einstein's wisdom reinforces the idea that pursuing goals easily achieved lacks the fulfillment that comes from pushing our limits.

Keys to Manifesting Success

Implementing positive thinking requires conscious effort. Here are some guiding principles:

  1. Give Your 100%: Pour your wholehearted effort into whatever you do. Your commitment sets the stage for success.

  2. Accept People and Situations as They Are: Embrace the reality around you without judgment. Acceptance brings peace and opens the door to solutions.

  3. Avoid Becoming the Football of Others' Opinions: Stay true to your beliefs and values. Don't let external opinions dictate your path.

  4. Don't Seek Intentions Behind Others' Mistakes: Assume positive intent and avoid dwelling on perceived slights. Focus on constructive solutions.

  5. Live in the Present Moment: The power of now is undeniable. Embrace the present, for it is the foundation of your future.

Actions with Awareness

Conscious living involves being present in every moment. Whatever you do, infuse it with awareness. Love and appreciation for your actions enhance their impact.

Implement good ideas actively, applying knowledge for personal growth rather than mere distribution. Knowing oneself, embracing imperfections without negativity, and practicing self-love contribute to a positive mindset.

Praise, when genuine, is a divine quality. Praising oneself without ego, expecting no external validation, and appreciating others are powerful practices. Differentiating between pride and ego is crucial.

Navigating Challenges and Problem-Solving

When faced with problems, remember the inevitability of change. Acceptance of people and situations with a peaceful mind paves the way for solutions. Approach challenges with courage, viewing them as opportunities for growth.

Surrendering to the process, trusting in your efforts, and adapting your beliefs can unlock solutions. Avoid blame, whether directed at others or yourself, as it only distances you from resolution.

In the pursuit of goals, maintain clarity about what you truly want. Life responds to focused intentions and positive thinking. As you navigate your journey, remember that success is not merely a destination but a continuous, positive mindset.

Tears, a silent droplet

In the vast spectrum of emotions, there's one that every soul encounters yet often struggles to articulate — tears. It's the poignant output of a profound process, the essence of crying.

This emotional journey aligns with humanity from the moment of its inception. When a newborn cries, it evokes tears in the eyes of parents, witnessing their own flesh and blood before them, a tiny miracle born from the hopes they nurtured during the months of anticipation. The culmination of those aspirations manifests in a miraculous smile, accompanied by tears of joy.

And then, when life completes its cycle, and a person departs, it leaves a trail of tears in the eyes of those left behind. In that cascade of tears, the worthiness of a life is measured, or so I believe.

"Tears are words the heart can't express," they say.

Just like rain descends when clouds can no longer bear their burden, tears flow when the heart can no longer endure the weight of pain. What's particularly challenging is when you find yourself smiling, not out of joy, but as a brave attempt to stave off the relentless fall of tears.

It's crucial to acknowledge that shedding tears in times of pain is not a sign of weakness but a silent prayer, an earnest communication with a higher power when words fail us.

A laughter, at times, acts as a veil, concealing the tears within our eyes. Tears, then, become a subtle sign of unspoken happiness, while a smile becomes a poignant expression of concealed pain. There's a peculiar sweetness to a smile on lips that have tasted the bitterness of tears.

Tears of joy, akin to summer raindrops kissed by sunbeams, glisten with a unique radiance.

Yet, there are instances when tears become a manifestation of profound anger, a helpless reaction when faced with insurmountable challenges. In those moments, as tears stream down, it's a testament to reaching an impasse.

In such times, instead of merely wiping away tears, there's merit in wiping away the people who brought them forth. Life, as they say, is a complex blend of sunshine and rain, of teardrops and laughter, of pleasure and pain. It's a tapestry woven with the threads of our deepest emotions, where tears play a poignant role, each drop echoing the human experience.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Land of Raja's Maharaja's-The Rajasthan

Embarking on a Journey through Rajasthan's Rich Tapestry

Rajasthan, a realm where heritage, culture, safaris, and sand dunes converge to create an unparalleled destination, offers a journey like no other. The odyssey begins with the divine blessings of Lord Shrinathji.

Our first stop is Nathdwara, a quaint town nestled in the Aravalli hills along the banks of the Banas River in Rajsamand District. The air here is infused with holiness, as various Darshans throughout the day provide a spiritual experience like never before. Picture yourself sipping on hot masala tea and relishing the local specialty, Poha, as the day unfolds. And of course, no one leaves Nathdwara without savoring the delectable Rabadi.

As we continue our expedition, the City of Lakes unfolds before us, and a breathtaking mountain pass in the Aravalli Range known as Haldighati greets us. The name itself is derived from the turmeric-colored yellow soil, setting the tone for the vibrant experiences that lie ahead.

In the heart of Rajasthan, amidst the echoes of battles fought and won, lies the tale of Rana Pratap Singh of Mewar and Raja Man Singh of Amber. Their clash marked a pivotal moment, leaving behind the haunting echoes of a fierce conflict. The battleground witnessed the sacrifice of thousands of valiant soldiers, their blood intertwining to form a solemn pool, forever known as Rakta Talai.

Today, Maharana Pratap National Memorial stands as a testament to the indomitable spirit of this brave Rajputana king and his loyal steed, Chetak. The memorial sheds light on the life and legacy of Maharana Pratap, capturing the essence of a bygone era.

A visit to Badshahi Bagh adds a flavorful touch to your journey. Here, amidst the verdant landscape, you can indulge in the original Gulkand and rosewater – a sensory delight that connects the present with the aromatic history of the region.

As our exploration continues to Udaipur, the City of Lakes unfolds with the pristine waters of Fateh Sagar Lake. Nestled along its tranquil banks is Saheliyon Ki Bari, a breathtaking garden adorned with green lawns, intricate marble art, and enchanting fountains. Every corner of this oasis is a canvas of serenity, making it a photographer's paradise.

The journey through Udaipur wouldn't be complete without a visit to the City Palace Museum. A treasure trove of ancient sculptures, curios, antiques, and inscriptions, the museum offers a captivating glimpse into the opulence of the bygone era. It stands as a living testament to the grandeur and cultural richness that defines Udaipur.

Along the National Highway No.8, a two-story marvel awaits – the Eklingji Temple, a sanctuary of spiritual beauty.

Venturing 65 kilometers from Udaipur, we find ourselves in Kankroli, nestled by the Rajsamand Lake. Here stands the temple dedicated to Lord Dwarikadhish, exuding a reminiscent charm of the famed Nathdwara temple. A unique experience awaits as you delight in the simple pleasures of feeding the fish and pigeons that grace the surroundings. It's a moment of inner joy, a communion with nature's beauty.

Now, our journey leads us to the Pink City – Jaipur. This bustling capital city not only serves as a thriving business center but also boasts a stunning backdrop of ancient forts that stand as sentinels of history. From the majestic Nahargarh and Amer forts to the formidable Jaigarh and the enchanting Moti Doongari, each fort unfolds tales of valor and grandeur against the vivid canvas of Jaipur.

Lakshminarayan temple is situated at the foot of Moti Dungri fort also known as Birla temple. 

As the night falls, the ethereal glow of a beautiful white marble temple captivates onlookers, casting a spell of enchantment. The Albert Hall Museum stands as a testament to Indo-Saracenic architecture, a masterpiece in the heart of Jaipur. Poet king Sawai Pratap Singh's legacy, the Hawa Mahal, Palace of Winds, with its multitude of jharokhas, tells stories of a bygone era.

Venture into the Yellow City, where the Jantar Mantar awaits – a celestial collection of architectural astronomical instruments crafted by the visionary Sawai Jai Singh. As you enter through the fabled lottery gate, a market adorned with white banners and black characters on every shop and house creates a mesmerizing mirror effect. Indulge your senses with the flavors of big masala Papad and delectable mawa kachoris, and explore the renowned RTDC for exquisite shopping finds, including Ekmaharani sarees, Chaniyacholis, Mojdis of Habib Miyan, and a special Rajai.

In the serene city of Ajmer, the Dargah Sharif of Khwaja Muinuddin Chishti awaits at the foot of the Taragarh hill. Legend has it that blessings from the maulla at Ajmer Sharif fulfill the wishes of those who seek them. Discover the allure of Punjabi suit materials at affordable prices and marvel at the architecturally rich Digambara Jain temple, Soniji Ki Nasiyan. A short distance away lies Pushkar, with its mystical Jagatpita Brahma Mandir – a one-of-a-kind temple in the world. Experience the tranquility of the Brahma Ghat and immerse yourself in the local market's variety of purses, footwear, traditional clothing, and the renowned Malpua, adding a sweet note to your journey.